Areas of Expertise

Power Systems Stability and Stregnth

The problem of power system reliability, stability, and strength concerns the ability of the system to withstand any external disturbance. We cover both small signal and large signal studies, as well as network stregnth analysis to identify reinforcement required

Offshore Wind Power

Offshore wind power plants are relatively new source of electrical power generation and usually are installed in scale of 1000s of MW. Injecting such high level of power into an exisiting power grid can cause stability and operational challenges.

Integration of Renewable Energy Systems

Renewable energy systems are often integrated into the power systems through a power electronics interface. This changes how power grids have been traditionally operated. Additionally, they can installed dispersely and generate power locally which opposes how the power grids have been design to operate.

Power Systems Planning

Power systems planning is a procedure to foreseen load increase with a reasonable planning horizon and, subsequently, allocate resource to meet the demand to ensure the reliability and availability of power delivery.

Data Analytics and Situational Awareness

Modern power grids involve a greater degree of connectivity. The greater connectivity also means influx of data, not only because of a greater number of devices in the system, but also higher resolution and precision of the data. Subsequently, advanced data analytics offers enhanced observability, more-informed decision-making, and greater situational awareness.

Risk Analysis and Probabilistic Studies

The emerging power grids involve more complexity, uncertainity, and variability. This requires to involve probablistic algorithms and risk-based analyses.